Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do what you must...

Ok so as much as I'd hoped to post this week's totals for practice and running... the numbers are pretty embarrassingly low, so we'll save that for next week.  We got quite a bit of dense, wet snow Saturday morning, but as of Thursday, I knew something was funny.  I seem to have acquired my annual cold (sore throat, achy bod, tired).  I only get about one of these a year and it's usually at Christmas so hopefully this is it.  So here's the moral of the story... do what you must.  Today, I spent most of it sleeping on the couch and trying to shake this thing before Monday.  Church commitments couldn't be avoided so I did what I had to.  I don't think I've ever sang a low G or F before but I did pretty well.  The higher notes kind of kicked my butt though.  I'm usually good through F but D was all I had today.  (Look at me, I sound like a real singer!) Saturday, I had to shovel the driveway (and the porch about 3 times), stoke the fire, and practice some audition music.  I got a good amount of work done, but why Strauss felt it necessary to write for E-flat clarinet 2 octaves above the staff is beyond me.  Friday, I committed to attending a Chamber Choir Concert.  The Liebesleider Waltzes are loads of fun.  I made a commitment to clean the house from top to bottom, so I did.  See the thread here... despite not feeling up to it, I kept my commitments.  Somedays, that's a victory in itself.  I hope to be back up to speed with training and practicing tomorrow.  Daylight savings should help this.  Go out and keep your commitments and manage the rest, maybe even make the rest something beautiful.

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